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c么te d鈥檌voire造句

  • te reo irirangi o te hiku o te ika    Te Reo Irirangi o Te Hiku o Te Ika, an iwi radio station, serves Te AupMuri and other Muriwhenua tribes of the Far North. Te Reo Irirangi o Te Hiku o Te Ika, an iwi radio station, serves ...
  • kaihau te rangikakapi maikara te whaiti    "' Kaihau Te Rangikakapi Maikara Te Whaiti "'( 1863 & ndash; 1937 ) was a notable New Zealand tribal leader.
  • koroki te rata mahuta tawhiao potatau te wherowhero    Detail of " King Koroki Te Rata Mahuta Tawhiao Potatau Te Wherowhero and others " by unknown photographer.
  • lo que te conte mientras te hacias la dormida    Chayanne; " Lo Que Te Conte Mientras Te Hacias La Dormida," Best Pop Album By A Duo Or Group With Vocal : " Hay Que Cambiar, " Area 305; " La Calle Es Tuya ? " Estopa; " Lo Que Te Conte Mi...
  • te arikinui dame te atairangikaahu    In New Zealand, Maori Queen Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu a song to farewell Diana. Te Awekotuku took a moko kauae ( facial moko ) to mark the death of Te Arikinui Dame te Atairangika...
  • te arikinui te atairangikaahu    Her full name and title was "'Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu " '. Paki's wife succeeded her father as Mori Queen and became known as Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu.
  • te hiku o te ika    Te Reo Irirangi o Te Hiku o Te Ika, an iwi radio station, serves Te AupMuri and other Muriwhenua tribes of the Far North. Te Reo Irirangi o Te Hiku o Te Ika, an iwi radio station, serves ...
  • te hura te taiwhakaripi    "' Te Hura Te Taiwhakaripi "'( Mori descent, he identified with the Ngati Awa iwi.
  • te kai a te karoro    .. . that it was during the Ngti Whtua victory at the battle of Te Kai a te Karoro, or Seagull's Feast, that Ng Puhi became the first Mori iwi to use muskets in combat?
  • te keepa te rangihiwinui    There were four companies of militia, a troop of cavalry and a contingent of Ngti Hau warriors led by Te Keepa Te Rangihiwinui. Wikitoria was a daughter of Te Keepa Te Rangihiwinui who w...
  • te kooti arikirangi te turuki    Violence over land ownership broke out first in the Wairau Valley in the South Island in June 1843, but rising tensions in Te Kooti Arikirangi Te Turuki on the east coast ( 1868 72 ). It ...
  • te kura kaupapa maori o te rawhiti roa    Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Te Rawhiti Roa has a decile of 1.
  • te manihera te ikahaehae    Te Manihera Te Ikahaehae converted to Anglicanism in Whanganui in the 1850s. Both men were the nephews of Te Manihera Te Ikahaehae referred to above. Te Ikahaehae in this schedule was also...
  • te puke te ao    He was related to Te Puke Te Ao, who had represented the Western Maori electorate from until his death in 1886.
  • te puku o te whenua    He was joined by Rana Waitai in Te Puku O Te Whenua, Tuku Morgan in Te Tai Hauuru, Tuariki Delamere in Te Tai Rawhiti, and Tu Wyllie in Te Tai Tonga.
  • te tuve y te perdi    Also represents the first time Lucero had a hit in the Hot Latin Tracks in United States as Lucero, with " Te Tuve y Te Perdi " peaking at # 22.
  • te upoko o te ika    Wellington pan-tribal Mori radio station Te Upoko O Te Ika has been affiliated to Taranaki since 2014. Wellington pan-tribal Mori radio station Te Upoko O Te Ika has been affiliated to...
  • teoti kerei te hioirangi te whaiti    "' Teoti Kerei Te Hioirangi Te Whaiti "'( 1890 & ndash; 1964 ) was a notable New Zealand tribal leader, farmer and community leader.
  • voire    It is bordered by La Cote de voire to the west. Dans les mastabas de l'Ancien Empire, la diversit?des animaux constituant le cheptel des propri閠aires terriens laisse perplexes : marchent, ...
  • 么么    路易,做得好想喝点什么么? 你们知道这是什么么? -不知道 为了抱抱或么么,大家努力吧! 柳毅又问道:“什么么是雨工? -你们知道这是什么么? -不知道 小蜜蜂:能告诉我为什么么? “呆子,你知道这虫子是什么么? 不经历风雨,怎么么见彩虹。 那么,这里在发生着什么么? 剩下的钱该怎么花?你想买什么么 R么的书就是淘米出的《么么公主| 好了么?你们知道要做什么么? 可是呆头的...
  • 么么茶    夏日的么么茶:你不要对我这么好,你对我这么好、要是有一天你对我不好了,我会很伤心。 么么茶:音乐之所以动人,是因为它有时象大江大海那样汹涌澎湃,有时它象小河小溪那样安祥宁静。 有说她在此片的感情部分演得到位,但是只要拿她在夏日的么么茶的表现一比,就会发觉其实都是一个模样,更说不上有何进步之处了。 有说她在此片的感情部分演得到位,但是只要拿她在《夏日的么么茶》的...
  • 么么党    么么党是百度90后吧常驻的几个小女生创建的党派。 由于这些人并不是么么党成员,所以不方便透露百度ID。 如果是正太的话么么党的成员会决定考虑破格收留的。 进而成员越来越多,么么党的队伍越来越壮大,现已达到7人。
  • 么么公主    R么的书就是淘米出的《么么公主| 2009.1.16么么公主采访瑞琪。 我捉弄的竟然是么么公主! 这就是么么公主和瑞琪的第一次见面。 现在是转世的么么公主。 ”么么公主急切的问着。 么么公主,这就是我最得意的学生瑞琪! 那不就是么么公主吗! ”么么公主兴奋的说。 做完么么公主相册的任务后,可以和她合影。 不好,眼看着一团火球直冲着么么公主飞去。 拉姆学院成立后被么么公主聘请...
  • 么么公主2:神秘舞伴    《摩尔庄园超级明星总动员(第4季)?么么公主2:神秘舞伴》内容简介:记忆最深处的地方,不能说的秘密,邀请函的发放,消失的邀请函,瑞琪,你在哪里,神秘礼物,梦想成真,难忘的生日等等。
  • 夏日么么茶    《夏日么么茶》的拍摄地Sipadan(诗巴丹)的名声最大。 夏日么么茶是什么,夏日么么茶是一种纯天然的花草茶。 “夏日么么茶”一片成为暑期票房第二位,总收入二千一百多万。 配置么么茶,尤以夏天的花草配置的最好,所以夏日么么茶为最佳。 Laguna是一家新的酒店,就建在原来拍摄电影《夏日么么茶》的那个海湾边儿上。 乐浪岛位於瓜拉登嘉楼的海岸北部,电影《夏日么么茶》曾经在这里取...

如何用c么te d鈥檌voire造句,用c么te d鈥檌voire造句c么te d鈥檌voire in a sentence, 用c么te d鈥檌voire造句和c么te d鈥檌voire的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。